Our approach to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
CSR initiatives
Quality education
Launch automatic door safety educational campaigns for children
In our efforts to reduce accidents caused by automatic doors involving children, we collaborated with Benesse Corporation to create an educational video. The video aims to teach children about the mechanism of automatic doors and how to use them safely. It was featured on the TV program "Shimajiro: A world of Wow!".
As a second initiative, we invited local families with preschoolers and elementary school-age children to the Konan Plant, to hold a NABCO automatic door safety class for children. We will continue to hold these classes using educational videos and strive to prevent automatic door accidents.
Organize the door programming class for children
We invited elementary school students from the local community to our Konan Plant to participate in a hands-on programming class. Our goal is to enhance community engagement by teaching basic programming skills for controlling automatic doors.
Sponsor the educational project “Earth Class”
Sponsored Asahi Shimbun' environmental education project "Earth Classroom". We visited elementary schools and conducted classes on the theme of "Thinking about energy conservation." In addition to highlighting the energy-saving features of automatic doors, we also discussed their safe passage.
Life on land
Tree planting activities among NABCO Group members
NABCO Group has been organizing tree-planting and nurturing activities since 2014 to help protect the environment and combat global warming. Many employees from our group companies nationwide have taken part in these activities. We are committed to continuing our efforts to contribute to the global environment and society through various initiatives.

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- Our approach to the SDGs>
- CSR initiatives